Customized college planning strategies aligned with your unique needs.

Ann is a trusted expert who relieves the inherent stress of the college admissions process. She is the calm, professional voice that keeps your child on track and on time with submissions. You can depend on her to help your child find the right college where he or she can thrive.

LOOKING FOR A personalized college listACT preparationEssay topic brainstorming and editingA College admission action planInterview preparationCollege visit assistance?

College Planning Services

High School Planning
  • Yearly curriculum review to ensure appropriate level of rigor.
  • Guidance on extracurricular involvement and opportunities.
  • Generation of summer activity guide.
  • Personal assessment of natural talents, aptitudes, and interests to determine potential career options. 
Standardized Test Preparation and Planning
  • In depth review of all standardized tests available and determination of which ones best highlight your strengths.
  • Creation of a custom calendar to understand when to take the various standardized tests.
  • One-on-one ACT preparation to maximize success on the test.
  • One-on-one SAT II preparation: Math level I and II. 
Photo of graduation caps
College List and Selection
  • Customized exploration of students’ and parents’ unique needs: physical, academic, emotional, and financial.
  • Creation of a good fit list of colleges that provide supporting environments in which your student can thrive.
  • Campus visit preparation and review of ways to demonstrate interest.
  • Concierge-style travel services.
  • Net cost review of all offers 
College Application Consulting
  • Brainstorm strategies for creation of unique, compelling, and differentiating essays.
  • Guidance in revising, editing, and refining personal statements and supplemental essays.
  • Creation of activity resume that reflects your student’s commitment to these interests.
  • Personalized calendar to track application submission deadlines.
  • Counsel on obtaining strong teacher recommendations.
  • Interview preparation when appropriate.

The benefits of an independent college counselor

Working with Ann during a time that is fraught with so much external pressure was very valuable to us. She understands the process, has lots of experience and is able to convey hopeful optimism, balanced with realism. She kept our son accountable and on track during the entire application process, and she served as a calming resource for us all. We highly recommend Ann!
- Mom of student Class of 2018 and Class of 2022

Client Centered Approach

Ann will deliver a personalized plan that accurately reflects your specific circumstances. Ann will coach and guide you on a path that leads you through things you did not expect to find a solution that you might not have anticipated.

Emphasis On Fit

Finding a college at which you can thrive is more important than finding one that just lets you in. Good fit comes from understanding the priorities of both the student and parents. A good college list represents these needs while maintaining a professional balance between hopeful optimism and educated realism.


Ann knows that relationships begin with listening. She will devote as much time as is necessary to listen first and act second. The result will be a customized, strategic plan that reflects your unique needs, concerns, and goals

Dedication To Reduce Anxiety

College admissions is an inherently stressful process. My University Coach seeks to reduce this anxiety by putting together a plan that works best for you. This is true for standardized tests as well as applications. Deadlines and testing dates are determined in the best interest of the student.

Call Ann today at 952-237-0079.

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